Please welcome Award-Winning, multipublished author, Terry spear.
Thanks so much, Mona, for having me on your blog today.
Do We Ever Run Out of Things to Say???
When doing a month-long blog tour, our publicist tells us not to repeat ourselves too much so readers will have something new to read. Ah. We are writers after all. So that should be easy. Right? Hmm, well, after writing 11 guest blogs and interviews, with 13 left to go, while doing my regularly scheduled daily blogs (Terry Spear Blog—original title, I know, Myspace, and Redroom for Authors), and my monthly blogs (From the Heart), twice monthly blogs (Casablanca) and my weekly blogs (Fierce Romance & Wickedly Romance & Shapeshifter Romance), I’m stymied.
What is an author to do?
Call on his or her muse. What if you have a closet muse like mine? Who only appears when she wants to? Yet deadlines loom and there’s not much hope for her help, so what is an author to do? Like with writing the novel, just write. Sometimes an image will help. Sometimes a news story. Sometimes just the blog title for someone else’s blog will be so intriguing, you can write your own spin off it. I’ve talked about why werewolves, my research, how Heart of the Wolf has expanded into a series, what’s next—so what is left to say?
Call on his or her muse. What if you have a closet muse like mine? Who only appears when she wants to? Yet deadlines loom and there’s not much hope for her help, so what is an author to do? Like with writing the novel, just write. Sometimes an image will help. Sometimes a news story. Sometimes just the blog title for someone else’s blog will be so intriguing, you can write your own spin off it. I’ve talked about why werewolves, my research, how Heart of the Wolf has expanded into a series, what’s next—so what is left to say?
How about answering fan questions? 
Will Silva and Sam from Destiny of the Wolf ever get together? Hmm, let’s take a quick trip to Silver Town, Colorado and see. They’re…hmmm, not sure. Looks like a game of tag in progress among the pack members in their human form, and Sam’s got Silva pinned down to the grass on her back, while the game’s still going on. Looks like their dating is still going strong. We’ll leave them to their game though in Wolf Fever and try to answer another fan question.

Will Silva and Sam from Destiny of the Wolf ever get together? Hmm, let’s take a quick trip to Silver Town, Colorado and see. They’re…hmmm, not sure. Looks like a game of tag in progress among the pack members in their human form, and Sam’s got Silva pinned down to the grass on her back, while the game’s still going on. Looks like their dating is still going strong. We’ll leave them to their game though in Wolf Fever and try to answer another fan question.
Do I ever write wolves have sex as wolves? Hmm, no. That’s for biology class. It’s eluded to—they are part wolf after all, and it would be as natural to them to have sex in that form as the other.
Why can werewolves in the series shift at other times other than the full moon? If they only shifted during the full moon, their wolf halves wouldn’t be as dominate as they are. It would be more like a nuisance situation once a month during the week of the full moon. Now to add a little conflict, unless the werewolf has mostly werewolf roots and is considered a royal and can change at will any time during any phase of the moon, the others can’t shapeshift during the phase of the new moon where it appears there is no moon at all.
Why can werewolves in the series shift at other times other than the full moon? If they only shifted during the full moon, their wolf halves wouldn’t be as dominate as they are. It would be more like a nuisance situation once a month during the week of the full moon. Now to add a little conflict, unless the werewolf has mostly werewolf roots and is considered a royal and can change at will any time during any phase of the moon, the others can’t shapeshift during the phase of the new moon where it appears there is no moon at all.
Will we see more of: Jake and Tom (brothers to Darien in Destiny of the Wol

Zoo man Thompson (Heart of the Wolf, Book 1)? Yes, in Seduced by the Wolf (Book 5).
Sarge from Legend of the White Wolf (Book 5)? Yes, as the omega wolf in Seduced by the Wolf.
Meara, Hunter’s sister in To Tempt the Wolf (Book 3)? Yes, her own story in The Wolf and the SEAL (Book 9). And the other characters in To Tempt the Wolf will also be expanded upon.
Carol Wood from Destiny of the Wolf? Yes, her own story in Wolf Fever.
Reviewers often also ask some fun questions after reviewing the stories, so I go back and reread them and try to incorporate the ideas in some of the newer stories.
Where did I get the idea of having another SEAL? My editor made the fun comment about To Tempt the Wolf and the fact Hunter was an ex-Navy SEAL and how fun it would be if he was a member of a whole team of Navy SEALS who were wolves. And that kernel of a plot idea has continued to intrigue me until I could add it to this story, The Wolf and the SEAL. I hope they keep the title. Everyone loves it that’s commented to me on it so far.
Do I know my characters inside and out before I write them? No. As they ha
ve to deal with situations, they grow as characters. And I learn more and more about them. And believe me, this is the way it works for me. Others write well by plotting and planning their whole story. But I’ve never been able to do that. So if you’re a writer reading this, write the way that works best for you!

So my question to readers is this—if you’ve been following the series, who do you want to see a story about? And if you haven’t been following the series, my question is, why not??? The wolves don’t bite, too hard! And if they do, you’ll find a whole new world to enjoy!
One last thing—the series is open ended. Several have asked me that of late, worried this will be the end. But there are too many characters who haven’t had their say. And each book is a story in and of itself. So even though I do have references to other characters, you can read them out of order and not be totally lost.
One last thing—the series is open ended. Several have asked me that of late, worried this will be the end. But there are too many characters who haven’t had their say. And each book is a story in and of itself. So even though I do have references to other characters, you can read them out of order and not be totally lost.
And wow, I did it! Came up with another blog!!! It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it!
Thanks again for having me, Mona! I had fun!
And to readers, thanks so much for dropping by and commenting!!
Thanks again for having me, Mona! I had fun!
And to readers, thanks so much for dropping by and commenting!!