Isis, godess of health and family
holding her key of life |
Reviews posted on amazon.com for
Osiris' Missing Part (Kindle Edition)
1-By H. M. Taylor "silvarie" -
5.0 out of 5 stars Fun and Mystical
If you are looking for something a little different you have found it! The author takes the myth of how Seth killed Osiris, cut up his body and scattered the parts across Egypt and turns it into a magical and fun story. The godess Isis seeks out all the parts of Osiris and brings him back to life because she loves him. But one very important part eludes her and Osiris is not happy when he comes back to life and finds himself missing this vital organ. Full of adventure, romance and humor this is a great holiday read. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
4.0 out of 5 stars Join The Adventure!

Mona Risk takes on a new genre and takes us on an Egyptian adventure. She delves deep into the subject of infidelity, love, forgiveness and commitment...
Mona Risk draws upon Egypt and the mythology of the Egyptian gods. Join her for the adventure as she takes you on a trip into the past and into an enjoyable realm. I enjoyed this tale and look forward to more Mona Risk titles. The only thing that rubbed me wrong was Osiris's infidelity, but gods will be gods. It did add some reality to the setting.
3-By Steph "Author of "The Giving Meadow
5.0 out of 5 stars An enjoyable read full of imagination!,
Risk crafts an exotic adventure filled with supernatural happenings, greed, betrayal, and love with "Osiris' Missing Part." Based on an ancient Egyptian legend, the god Seth tricks Osiris into a box and kills him, cutting his body into fourteen parts and spreading them all over Egypt. Will the goddess Isis be successful in resurrecting the only man she truly loves?
Isis, Osiris, Seth |
The story opens with Isis bringing Osiris back to life, only she's missing the piece where his godly power is stored - his manhood. Osiris is grateful for Isis' efforts, but knows he has to go on a quest to seek out his manhood. Isis agrees to go with him after learning the conditions set upon them by Seth to reattach Osiris' manhood. The condition is insulting to her however - a virgin must reattach Osiris' part with her personal sap.
Osiris and Isis enlist the help of their temple guardians. Seth, however, is not far behind. Once he discovers Osiris and Isis are looking for Osiris' missing member, he finds ways to sabotage their mission.
Osiris, god og knowledge and work,
was a womanizer in his first life,
but he reforms and marries Isis in his second life. |
Along the journey Osiris discovers what a true gem Isis is. She's loyal, faithful, honest, and caring. Isis learns that there are different angles to approach a problem without being so uptight and demanding. Both Isis and Osiris take an inner journey of the soul, as well as a physical adventure. Can love truly find its way into Osiris' heart and can Isis forgive him the sins of the past?
Risk's writing is a wonderful "what-if" of the legend. She blends just the right amount of reality and myth offering the reader a unique and creative story. Her descriptions are "spot on," allowing the reader to visualize ancient Egypt with ease.
The most rewarding aspect of the story was the characterization of Isis and Osiris. While gods and capable of supernatural achievements, both have very human hearts. Osiris was a bit of a womanizer in his first life, but Isis' devotion shows him he can love just one woman. Isis has a tendency not to see "the grey/middle ground" in people and situations and Osiris demonstrates to her that its all right to give your trust to others who have earned it.
The novel is sophisticated for romance readers with love scenes that are graphic, sensual, and tasteful. Risk's imagination shines against the lush backdrop of ancient Egypt. "Osiris' Missing Part" is a wonderful escape to another time and place that proves love does conquer all.
“We are powerful gods, Amout. We’ll give you untold strength. Now stand up and be a man. If you serve us well, we will reward you and your children,” Isis said.
The man scrambled to his feet with an agility that belied his previous statement. “I’m your servant, powerful goddess.”
“Tell us about the curse you heard. Why won’t Osiris be able to reattach his member when he finds it?”
Amout wrapped his arms around his middle. “Please, ask me anything but that.”
“This is most important information. Speak.” She shook a threatening fist at him to loosen his tongue.
Amout cringed. His whole body shaking, he turned toward Osiris. “I’ll tell you privately, Almighty Osiris. Man to man.”
“Are you crazy?” Isis shouted. “Do you realize you’re insulting me?”
“Never my goddess. But what I have to say…” Amout wrung his hands, his eyes filling with tears. “I mean what Seth said will hurt your sensitive ears.”
“Don’t worry about my ears. They are made of sturdy stuff. Speak, I said.”
“Oh dear, oh gods, spare me, or cut out my tongue.” The man seemed in agony.
Was it that bad? My poor Ozi, what have they done to you, that I won’t be able to reattach you? “You can speak in front of your goddess. We have no secrets.” Hmm, except, of course, the few secrets related to Ozi’s former indiscretions. Osiris peeked at Isis who tilted her head and raised an eyebrow.
“If you insist,” Amout said as if these were his last words.
Isis’ eyes flashed in anger. “Well, we are waiting.”
“Seth said—Seth, not me—that if you ever find your cock you can’t reattach it yourself.”
“You mean that I can’t, but someone else can?” Osiris said.
“Yes, yes, yes someone else can.” Amout stammered.
“That will be no problem,” Isis intervened. “I will remove the human thing and reattach Osiris’ magical member.” Her smile showed her pleasure at the task.
“I beg your pardon, my goddess. But according to Seth you can’t.”
“Why not? Does he think I don’t have the power to do it? Which other god or goddess could handle such a difficult task?”
“Not a god, please. I prefer not to have male fingers touching my member.” Osiris’ bile rose in his throat at the mere thought of a man groping his Ozi.
“Never fear, my lord.” Amout sighed with relief. “No male’s fingers will touch your glorious member.”
Isis stepped closer. “Clarify this for me, mortal. If I can’t reattach it and no male fingers will touch it, who exactly will assume this delicate task?” Her voice came in a hiss and Amout backed up two steps.
“As you mention, my goddess, it is a delicate task, and Seth insisted it needed the delicate fingers of…of…a virgin,” he finished in a groan as Isis clawed at his face.
“How dare you, you miserable scorpion?”
Amout prostrated himself at her feet. “It’s not me. It’s Seth. You forced me to repeat his words. Please don’t vent your anger on me. I am but the messenger.”
Osiris shrugged. That wasn’t so bad. Despite Isis’ furious outburst, he smiled in relief and pulled her away from Amout’s face. Not bad at all. “Don’t kill him. We need him,” he whispered.
When Isis spun toward him, he wiped all expression from his face.
“We can’t accept that curse,” she said, her chin tilted up.
Couldn’t she remember they were discussing his supernatural penis, not her golden pot? “So what do you suggest we do?”
“Nothing. We won’t reattach it.” Her pinched lips dared him to protest. As if he could indulge her foolishness when it came to such a sensitive subject as his masculinity.
He faced her, scowling. “What do you mean we won’t reattach it? Am I to hold it in my hand when I exercise my godly power?”
“That would be better.” His sweet Isis turned red, puffing up with her held breath.
“Wait, there is more,” Amout said. “I have to tell you, I mean I have to repeat Seth’s words on how a virgin will reattach it.”
Various possibilities wallowed in Osiris’ mind and his pulse accelerated as the meaning of Seth’s curse sank into his mind.
Amout sneaked a glance at Isis. “My goddess, I thought you would be happy to know there is a nice way around this evil curse.”
Was the guy suicidal? Osiris elbowed him. Couldn’t he see that Isis wanted to skin him alive if he added another sentence? But Osiris needed to learn the ultimate curse his brother had cast. Seth had always coveted Isis. Hadn’t he killed Osiris to possess her? Now Set had found the weapon to separate them. A simple easy way, while he watched them fight and hurt each other’s feelings. No wonder Seth was laughing and toasting.
“Tell me the entire curse,” Osiris bellowed, and the skies opened with a downpour of rain. Even with a mortal penis, he was still the powerful god feared by people and nature.
“According to Seth, only a virgin can paste your penis to your flesh and she’ll have to use her…ah…personal sap as glue.”
“How dare you?” Isis lashed out. Her eyes narrowing, she raised her arm and left a stinging red handprint on the man’s face. “And I’ll kill Seth with my bare hands the moment I catch him.”
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