The pictures posted here are all from Quebec City.

Would you like to take an armchair trip to Quebec with me? Relax and enjoy.
I just came back from a week vacation in Canada. We flew to Montreal, spent a night there at my cousin's, drove to Trois Rivières, a little French Canadian town, where we tasted delicious Napoleons--mille-feuilles in French-- and drank Cappuccino to warm up, before getting dressed to attend the wedding of my husband's best friend's son.
We ran to the cathedral, across the street from the hotel, under pouring rain. The reception was a lot of fun and we danced till two a.m.

The next day we drove for two hours to the former capital of Canada, the lovely old city of Quebec. For two days we walked through parcs, lingered in historical streets, negotiated steps and bought a few souvenirs.
Quebec is the only city in the American continent that still has a city wall or part of a wall remaining.
The statue of Champlain who discovered Canada dominates the main place of the old city, facing the St. Laurent river.
We had brunch in the rotating restorant of our hotel and enjoyed a magnificent view of the city and river.
The Cathedral reminded me of the Ghotic cathedrals of France and Germany with a lot of columns, elaborate paintings and golden statues.

Here is the most famous chateau of Quebec seen from close. It's decorated with bronze statues in alcoves framing the windows.

This gorgeous fountain was offered by France to the city of Quebec. It's located in front of the Chateau.
Notice the Indian sculpture called INUKSUK, which means Indian/Canadian. They used to build a human statue with a series of stones.
The inscription is written in English and Inuksuk writing.
We rode a fenicular to go down to the lower part of Quebec City near the St. Laurent banks.
After strolling for another hour, we climbed ten stories of steps to reach the top of a hill and walked to a cafe. My friend claimed it to be the most famous ice cream place in Canada. I was so out of breath I kept wondering if the ice cream was worth my effort. Believe me it was!!!
My friend eating the most scrumptious ice cream dipped in chocolate at the Cafe European, across the River.
Sunset on the River.
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