1.Visit the 12 author’s websites listed below and locate the unique word. In each website look for a picture similar to the Digi Books Cafe picture. The picture maybe in the first page or in any page of that website. The hidden Digi Books Cafe picture contains a specific word, such as paranormal, romance, and ebooks. Collect the words and email them to marketing@digibookscafe.com
Put Summer Hunt in the subject of your email. *The unique words are in blue. the words are book related such as paranormal, romance, and ebooks
Here are the twelve participating authors:
Hunt 2 – July 19, 2011 – August 22, 2011
Mona Risk - http://www.monarisk.com/
Lynne Marshall - http://www.lynnemarshall.com/
Caroline Clemmons - http://www.carolineclemmons.com/
Gail MacMillan - http://www.gailmacmillan.com/
Gini Rifkin - http://www.ginirifkin.com/
Hanna Rhys Barnes http://www.hannarhysbarnes.blogspot.com/
J L Wilson – http://www.jayellwilson.com/
Kathy Lane - http://www.kyrlane.com/
Laura Kaye – http://www.laurakayeauthor.blogspot.com/
Linda Banche - http://www.lindabanche.com/
Phyllis DeMarco - http://www.phyllisdemarco.com/
Stacey Joy Netzel - www.staceyjoynetzel.blogspot.com/
2.Every purchase at http://www.digibookscafe.com/ enters you into the drawing.
To buy Prescription in Russian
1-Go to http://www.digibookscafe.com/
2-Click on search in the upper left corner, it will open an Advanced Search page with a box where you enter the first letter of the title: P
3-A list of the books starting with P will be displayed.
4-Prescription in Russian is in the page 3.
Buying this book at DigiBooks Cafe entitled you to be entered in the drawing for a Kindle.
Jillian Burton is an American pediatrician on a mission to improve medical conditions in Belarus. Following a bitter experience, she has lost her illusions about men and marriage.
When they work together for six months in his hospital, their fascination with one another shocks them both. Can attraction and love overcome guilt, duty, and a clash of cultures?
“Mona Risk writes heroes with heart, heroines with spunk in stories and settings that are simply unforgettable!" -- Roxanne St. Claire, Killer Curves, National Bestseller.

Night Owl Reviews: Mona Risk is one of my favorite authors for several reasons. She knows how to pull a reader into the minds of her well-crafted characters and she also makes you want the best for them. Her work also takes me on a journey be it local or overseas. Prescription in Russian is a wonderful read for any contemporary book lover.
The Long and The Short Reviews: Rx in Russian has many of the things I am looking for in a good romance novel: a believable plot, a likeable hero and heroine, and is long enough to flesh out the story, and enjoy the characters before finishing the book.
A nice book for a long weekend! Be sure to pick it up!
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