Our first full day with FRW conference started with a long break at Key West. Don't you like conferences that gives you a day of fun before forcing you into hard labor?

My husband and I walked through the streets of Key West, a quaint town that reminds you of last century.

This is how we can stay slim!!!

After a good lunch aboard the ship it was time to work. Heather Graham separated us in 5 groups. Each group received a few words and had to come up with a blurb for an interesting story. My group included Senior Editor Eric Raab from Tor, and our words were: actress, roto-rooter, ugly, basement... We brainstormed our blurb and then read out loud with everyone. Quite hilarious.

This workshop was followed by an open discussion with Agents Lucy Childs and Lucienne Diver: How can an agent help writers achieve their goals?
For the next two hours we enjoyed the Floridian Idol. Heather Graham, Traci Hall, Kathy Pickering and Aleka Nakis read the first two pages submitted anonymously by more than thirty writers. Each submission received a thorough critique by the agents and editors.

And finally we gathered at dinner for our formal night.
Mona Risk and husband who was volunteered as FRW photographer!
Nancy Cohen and husband
Ashley Chase and husband
Kathy Pickering with Editors Eric Raab (Tor) and Adam Wilson (Mira)
FRW efficient treasurer Sandy, Ona Busto and Sharon Heartly.

HQ Editor Wanda Ottwell and Agent Lucienne Diver.
Agent Lucienne Diver, a writer who flew all the way from California and Heather McLachlan
Karen Kendall, Donna Lieberman, her friend Lisa and Aleka Nakis
Sharon Heartley, Debbie Andrews, Pearl Wolfe.
Traci Hall and husband.
Heather Graham having a good time!!

Mona, you give such a fabulous account & I love your pics. It was a marvelous time & I'm ready to do it again now. lol
You forgot to tell me to come down so I could stow away in your suitcase!!
Great pics:)
Again, great pictures! Tell Sam he is a photographer extraordinaire! xoxo, Donna
Kristin, I am ready to go on the ship anytime. And even to organize another Cruise with your Muse Conference.
Molly, I am so sorry, but this time all I have was a carry-on. You'd have been uncomfortable.
Donna, you're making Sam a very proud man. FRW has already offered him a permanent position as photographer and chapter historian.
What a great cruise! Thanks for posting pics. Maybe if I get envious enough I will come next year. LOL.
Not next year Barbara. The year after. FRW hosts a conference every other year, but what a conference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Color me green! I can see yo had a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing!
I just love work that begins with a break!
Nice job, Mona.
Great photos, Mona. We so enjoyed chatting with you and your husband several times on the cruise.
Love the pics Mona! Would have loved to attended this conference. Wow!
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